ICSI issues important instructions for CSEET January session 2024; check guidelines inside

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) issued the instructions for the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) January 2024 session. The CSEET registration is underway at the official website- icsi.edu.
As per the schedule, the CSEET 2024 exam will take place on 6 January. Candidates will be able to register for the examination till 15 December 2023.
The ICSI said CSEET will be conducted through remote proctored mode instead of conducting it from test centres. Candidates will be allowed to appear for the CSEET using their own laptops or desktops from home/ such other convenient and isolated places. Candidates shall not be allowed to appear in CSEET by using Mobile Phone, Tablet, Palmtop and other such gadgets.
Candidates will be required to download the safe exam browser SEBLite. Candidates will be continuously monitored through video/audio mode by the supervisor, known as proctor in the same manner as if they are appearing in the examination at examination centres, the ICSI said.
Candidates will be required to login to the rest portal 30 minutes before the time specified for the commencement of the exam. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the test after completion of 15 minutes of the commencement of the test and no candidate shall be permitted to finish the test until the expiry of 90 minutes of the commencement of the test, ICSI said.
ICSI CSEET Guidelines for January Session 2024