Hindu College alumnus donates Rs 1 crore for the scholarship foundation

An alumnus of Delhi University's Hindu College has donated Rs 1 crore for a scholarship foundation in the college, with five undergraduate students winning the scholarship in the inaugural year.
"Raj Bhargava (IAS retired), former chief secretary, Home Affairs, Government of India and an illustrious alumnus of Hindu College recently returned to the campus with a corpus fund of Rs 1 crore for a scholarship foundation for social sciences at the undergraduate level," the college said in a statement.
As many as five students were given the scholarship during the inaugural year, it said.
The scholarships are renewable, motivating students to perform in an environment of opportunities and helping them shape a holistic personality.
The allocation of scholarships was through a rigorous selection process comprising a college-wide written Merit Assessment Test (MAT) followed by an interactive session of shortlisted candidates with an expert committee.
The college gave away the prize money of Rs 75,000 and a tablet device to each of the two winners — Ayush Singh Rajpoot (History) and Gavish Lohat (Political Science). Divya (History) and Vismay Vairagi (Economics), the two runners-up, were given a laptop each. In addition, a fifth student was also awarded a tablet device in recognition of his outstanding performance.