Data Science and AI Sample Paper for GATE 2024 Out; Download Now!

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2024) exam authority has taken a significant step towards helping aspiring Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) professionals. The revised sample question paper for GATE Data Science and Artificial Intelligence has been released, providing a crucial resource for candidates preparing for the examination.
Consisting of a total of 55 questions, the sample paper has been carefully designed to evaluate candidates' understanding of the discipline. The first 25 questions hold a weightage of one mark each, while the subsequent 30 questions are assigned two marks each.
The exam pattern is as follows:
GATE Data Science and AI syllabus:
Probability and Statistics: Covering fundamental topics including permutation and combinations, probability axioms, sample space, events, independent events, mutually exclusive events, marginal, conditional and joint probability, as well as Bayes theorem.
Linear Algebra: Including concepts related to vector space, subspaces, linear dependence and independence of vectors, matrices, orthogonal matrix, idempotent matrix, quadratic forms, systems of linear equations and solutions, among other related subjects.
Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms: Delving into essential topics like programming in Python, basic data structures (stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, hash tables), and search algorithms.
Database Management and Warehousing: Embracing ER-model, relational model, tuple calculus, SQL, integrity constraints, normal form, file organisation, indexing, data types, data transformation (normalisation, sampling, compression), and data warehouse modelling (schema for multi-dimensional data models, concept hierarchies, measures: categorisation and computations).
Machine Learning: Focusing on both supervised and unsupervised learning.
Artificial Intelligence: Including a diverse range of subjects such as Search (informed, uninformed, adversarial), logic (propositional, predicate), and reasoning under uncertainty topics (conditional independence representation, exact inference through variable elimination, and approximate inference through sampling).
The sample paper for GATE Data Science and Artificial Intelligence can be conveniently downloaded here.
GATE 2024 will be held on February 3, 4, 10 and 11.