DU NCWEB Admissions 2022: Deadline for registration extended

The registration deadline for admission to its Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB) has been extended by DU. Interested candidates can register on the official website — ncweb.du.ac.in, before 19 October at 11:59 pm.
The registration window for NCWEB began on June 25 and will end on September 25. Candidates are required to submit their class 10 and 12 marksheets for admissions.
DU NCWEB Admissions 2022: How to register
DU NCWEB admission portal caters to women candidates seeking admission to undergraduate programmes where they do not have to attend regular college. The candidates will get admission on the basis of merit and eligibility.
All candidates pursuing admission to BA (Prog)/ BCom will be required to pay the fee at the time of admission. In case of cancellation of admission, the fees will be refunded as per the university rules.