Despite its best efforts, 7% of seats in all DU colleges are still vacant. The university's admissions process for the academic year 2022–2023 ended on Saturday. This academic year, approximately 65,000 students have been accepted into undergraduate programmes, according to an official. He also stated that 11,300 postgraduate students with a variety of degrees have been admitted to the university.
Haneet Gandhi, dean of admission at DU, stated, "We have been able to fill almost 65,000 seats across 70 colleges for the academic session. In place of the previous practise of focusing admissions on students' Class 12 results, the university has now begun to accept students using the Common University Entrance Test (CUET).
The DU has admitted students to 79 undergraduate programmes across 67 colleges, departments, and centres using the revised admissions procedure. For those interested in applying for admission under the Common Seat Allocation System (CSAS), 2022, the university launched an online platform in September. The admissions process for the CSAS will be divided into three phases: application submission, programme selection and preference entry, and seat assignment and admission. On September 12, the first phase began, followed by the second phase on September 26. A merit list is used to allocate seats in the third phase.
To make sure that the students had a fair chance, the DU performed several rounds of seat allocation. In off-campus colleges, the seats are largely empty. In addition, the majority of these universities have historically had trouble filling their classrooms. Despite the university's ongoing attempts to avoid a situation like this, the seats will remain unfilled. In order to fill all available seats in undergraduate programmes during this year's first round of counselling, the DU admitted 20% "additional students" under the "unreserved" and Other Backward Classes (OBC) categories and 30% under the SC-ST category.