Today, July 18, the Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) will announce the outcome of the North Eastern States and Union Territories (NEUT) 2023 first-round seat allocation. Candidates can view the CSAB NEUT round 1 seat allotment result through the official website,, once it is released.
Candidates who received seats in the first round must complete the online reporting process, which involves paying the Rs 3,000 seat allotment fee and counselling fees online as well as exercising options like float, slide, and freeze.
Those who choose the "freeze" option can download their allotment and provisional admission letters and then proceed with their final admission at the designated institute in accordance with the timeline given.
The first round of allotment's online reporting and option exercise window will be available from July 19 through July 24, 2023. Candidates must make the required payments and choose their preferred option within this time.
Between July 25 and July 30, 2023, there will be data reconciliation, verification, and validation for the first round of the CSAB NEUT.