New course

Clever Harvey partners with Cult.Fit to launch a tech course for teenagers

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 15 Feb 2022
16:53 PM
Students will discover concepts such as user journeys, algorithms, and MVPs to help them see how a CTO would think.

Students will discover concepts such as user journeys, algorithms, and MVPs to help them see how a CTO would think. Source: Shutterstock

The 15-day programme aims to give students practical exposure to how tech teams at startups work as they learn to solve an industry project
As students learn to develop tech prototypes with step-by-step guidance, students develop a strong foundation in computational thinking.

To give teenagers an early preview into future careers, Clever Harvey has joined hands with Cult.Fit to launch another industry-certified course, ‘JuniorMBA Technology’ for high school students (Classes VIII to XII).

The 15-day programme aims to give students practical exposure to how tech teams at startups work as they learn to solve an industry project provided by Cult.Fit. Working in groups of two or three and guided by a Clever Harvey facilitator, students will take a “behind-the-scenes” tour of one of the most popular sectors in the world of business – technology. As they learn to develop tech prototypes with step-by-step guidance, students develop a strong foundation in computational thinking.


Speaking on the launch of the new programme, Sriram Subramanian, co-founder, Clever Harvey, said, “We enjoyed co-designing this programme with the leadership and tech teams at Cult.Fit. Through short case studies about how the company disrupted the fitness market and rapidly adapted to the pandemic, students will discover concepts such as user journeys, algorithms, and MVPs, which will help them see how a chief technology officer would think, rather than a coder."

Shamik Sharma, head of digital initiatives, Cult.Fit, further added, "As coding becomes more mainstream in the school curriculum, what matters the most is not the syntax-level mastery or the specific programming language the student chooses to learn but the broader problem-solving mindset of understanding the context and designing an appropriate solution. The technology programme will give students real-world exposure to how tech products are developed in a business. We are excited to see the ideas for Cult.Fit that emerge from the live projects."

Last updated on 15 Feb 2022
16:53 PM
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