CBSE releases sample question paper for Class X, XII term-II Board exams

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the CBSE Class X and XII Term-II sample papers on January 14, 2022. Students who are to appear for the CBSE Board exams can now check the papers on the official website -
Through the sample papers, CBSE has shared the question pattern of the papers to give students a fair idea of the type of choices that would be set. Students can also check the marking scheme, in addition to the sample papers.
Sample Papers Class X:
Sample Papers Class XII:
The CBSE Term-II Board Exams 2022 are scheduled to be held in March and April. However, the board at present has not made any official statement regarding the schedule. The CBSE has asked the school authorities to ensure vaccination of all the eligible students before the board examination.
The Board has still not declared the official date for the announcement of CBSE Class X and XII Board Exam 2022 Term-I results. However, there could be a delay because of the COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the state governments. The results will be available at the official websites -,
Students can also check their results on the DigiLocker app and the website – It is likely that the result would also be available on the UMANG app and via SMS.