Board Exams 2022

CBSE Class X Term 2: Prioritise solving latest sample question papers

Agrima Tikader
Agrima Tikader
Posted on 20 Apr 2022
17:07 PM
Sample papers from 2014-15 to 2021-22 are available on CBSE website.

Sample papers from 2014-15 to 2021-22 are available on CBSE website. Source: Pixabay

Eight years of sample papers available on the CBSE website
Students can download the sample papers from the website and understand the marking scheme

With less than a week left for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class X Term 2 exams, it is revision time for most students. Educators suggest solving sample question papers released by the board, with special focus on the latest papers.

Students solving sample papers are likely to have a problem of plenty with at least eight years of sample papers available for download on the CBSE website. Educators recommend answering as many sample papers as one can before the exam but prioritising the latest set of papers as they cover the latest syllabus. Solving the latest set of papers first, and then moving to the older papers can prove to be more beneficial to the students, say teachers.

“Sample papers are always based on the latest syllabus of CBSE, therefore practising the latest sample papers should be top priority for the students,” said Shiuli Ghosh, a former English teacher at BDM International School in Kolkata.


However, older sample papers should not be skipped entirely. By solving the older sample papers, students can get an understanding of the pattern of questions and the important recurrent topics.

The CBSE board makes it easy for students to self-evaluate by making sample question papers available on its website. Every year, the board shares the sample papers for all subjects for the students to practice.

Students can access downloadable sample papers dating back to CBSE 2014-15. The marking scheme for the papers is also shared by the board to give the students a better understanding of the paper and how they can score higher marks.

Highlighting the importance of sample papers in the last leg of preparations for board exams, Ghosh said, “It helps the students improve their analytical performance and time management. It also helps them become familiar with the marking pattern. Students can get a realistic feel of the exam by practising the papers like mock tests. Self-analysing the answers will help students understand their weak spots and focus on those topics,” said Ghosh.

Sumana Sanyal, coordinator for classes IX and X at Sushula Birla Girls’ School in Kolkata, suggests students to attempt different types of questions to reap maximum benefit of the sample papers.

"Solving different types of specimen questions will help the students cover the entire syllabus and enable them to write answers within the stipulated time during the board exams," said Sanyal.

Here is how you can download the sample papers and view the marking scheme for each subject:

  • Go to or go to and then click on ‘Academic Website’
  • Drag the mouse cursor to the ‘Sample Question Paper’ option
  • On the drop-down menu drag your mouse cursor to the year of the Sample Question Paper (SQP) you want to see
  • Click on the ‘Class X’ option
  • A page with all the sample question papers (SQP) and marking schemes (MS) for all the subjects will open
  • Click on the SQP or MS that you want to see

Once the student opens the SQP they will get the option of downloading the paper as well.

For the Class X Term 1 and Term 2 SQP for 2021-22, students can click on the following link:

Last updated on 20 Apr 2022
17:07 PM
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