AP EAMCET Counselling: Web options entry begins for final phase at eapcet-sche.aptonline.in

The final phase of web options entry for Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Architecture and Pharmacy Entrance Test (AP EAPCET) counselling has begun on Wednesday, July 24 on the official website of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE).
Candidates who wish to register themselves for the final round can submit their applications online at eapcet-sche.aptonline.in/EAPCET/. To register themselves, candidates must enter their hall ticket number and date of birth to login to their account and fill in all the details.
The last date for filling-in web options is July 26, while a correction window will also be opened for candidates on July 27. This will be followed by the declaration of the results on July 30.
Only those candidates who have not secured seatsand have sought better options or have cancelled their allotment, can participate in the final phase.
Following the declaration of the counselling results, candidates will have to report to their allotted colleges between July 31 and August 3.