AIBE 17 Result 2023: Result is expected to be out TOMORROW; Know major details inside

AIBE 17 Result 2023: The All India Bar Examination, often known as AIBE 17, is expected to release the result by tomorrow, 27 April 2023.
The final answer key has been posted online by the Bar Council of India (BCI). The Bar Council of India (BCI) has instructed the candidates to visit the website, get the AIBE XVII solution key, and review the answers before the AIBE 17 result 2023 is announced.
The official final answer key for each language paper has already been made public by the authorities.
Download AIBE 17 Final Answer Key 2023
AIBE 17 Result 2023: Steps to download the result
The Certificate of Practice (CoP), an important certification for legal practice in court, will be awarded to candidates who pass the AIBE 17 exam in 2023. After the AIBE 17 Results 2023 are announced, successful candidates will be issued the CoP to practise law in an Indian court.