ADRE Grade 3 answer key objection window to close on Friday, October 18 at

The State-Level Recruitment Commission, Assam will be closing the answer key objection window for the Assam Direct Recruitment Examination (ADRE) grade 3 on Friday, October 18. Candidates having objection with any of the answers provided in the answer key will be able to submit their objections on the official website
Candidates will have to pay Rs 500 for every question challenged. Candidates will have to provide proper justification behind their challenge. If a challenge is found valid, the fee will be returned to the candidate by the commission.
Following the closure of the objection window, the commission will be releasing the final answer keys of the exam after considering the objections.
How to raise objections against ADRE Grade 3 answer key?
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the link of the exam for which you want to raise objections
Step 3: Enter application number and password and login to your account
Step 4: Select the questions for which you want to raise challenge
Step 5: Provide proper justification
Step 6: Pay objection fee
Step 7: Submit the answer keys