
Dynamic vice-chancellors ensure quality universities

The Telegraph
The Telegraph
Posted on 17 Oct 2023
05:10 AM



Fosters learning

A good university is defined by a great learning environment. A dynamic vice-chancellor fosters a positive one by implementing fresh ideas and strategies to ensure quality learning both in terms of education and extracurricular activities, as well as promotes overall growth of the university.


Sangramjit Sarkar
Second year, BTech CSE, Amity University, Calcutta

Shield of university

No university can function without a vice-chancellor. And the calibre of the vice-chancellor definitely impacts the quality of the university. He or she ensures that standards are maintained, whether of education or mental health.

Kunzang Wangmu Sherpa
Class IX, Loreto Convent, Darjeeling

Students’ loss

The vice-chancellor is a very important person upon whom the duty of administering every aspect of the university is bestowed by the government. Even the acclimatisation of educators to the completely new and technology-centric National Education Policy or NEP in the absence of a competent vice-chancellor will be imperfect and students would suffer because of it.

Shuvayan De
Third year, Ramkrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara

Strong influence

A dynamic vice-chancellor can pave the way for better learning and overall development of students. He or she can also ensure that the institution reaches the pinnacle of its glory. A good leader is marked by his or her ability to work miracles in influencing the faculty, students and all concerned for the better.

Srijan Maji
Class X, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar, Jharkhand


Teamwork is best

“Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people”, said Steve Jobs. The standard of education of a university does not bank only upon an active vice-chancellor, but also good students and faculty. Therefore, the head of an institute is not the only one responsible, others too have a pivotal role in making an institution qualitative.

Ahona Sanyal
Class X, Sarat Kumari Girls’ High School, Shantipur

Experience counts

It is not dynamism but experience that marks a good vice-chancellor. Choosing a candidate with a definite period of service ensures they are interested in the real work rather than in meeting self interests.

Ritika Bhakat
Third year, South City College, Calcut

Last updated on 17 Oct 2023
05:11 AM
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