world records

Meet Arshabh Behera: The 7 year old in the Forever Star Book of World Records

Nancy Jaiswal
Nancy Jaiswal
Posted on 26 Oct 2022
08:55 AM
Seven-year-old Arshabh Behera is from Orchids The International School, Newtown, Kolkata

Seven-year-old Arshabh Behera is from Orchids The International School, Newtown, Kolkata Source: Arshabh Behera

Arshabh Behera is from Orchids The International School, Newtown, Kolkata who recently entered the Forever Star Book of World Records
Slowly but steadily overcoming his asociality and delayed speech issues, Arshabh looks forward to keep making and breaking records

Effective communication, most people believe, is a cornerstone of reaching great heights of success in life. After all, great communication and socialising skills guarantee that the person remains at the centre of all decisions and also gives them agency by allowing them to express their viewpoints clearly. This becomes particularly important when interacting with or speaking to a group of people. Now imagine someone who struggles with this important aspect of socialising.

Beating the odds

Seven-year-old Arshabh Behera from Orchids The International School, Newtown, Kolkata is one such example, who owing to developmental delays in his growing years faces severe speech issues. While still a toddler, Arshabh was often looked down upon by numerous schools for not having clear communication and socialising skills. The constant rejection resulted in shattering his confidence at a very young age. However, with the support of his parents and teachers the child has not only amazed one and all but also created a world record in identifying the flags of 230 countries within 8 minutes. Arshabh has now earned himself a place in the ‘Forever Star Book of World Records’.


“Arshabh’s interest was identified when he started watching videos about the names and flags of different countries on YouTube, when he was only 5. Today, he can draw any country’s flag and identify them, name all the 50 states of the USA and recite the Russian, Greek and Spanish alphabets.

“Arshabh has significant communication issues and he lacks social skills. He takes time to open up and speak to people. Schools had rejected him, till he was admitted to Orchids who accepted him wholeheartedly and instilled confidence in him. His teachers are very helpful and helped my son unleash his talents. Recently he even went on a field trip from his school - his first trip without his parents”, said Mrs. Smruti Rekha Behera, Arshabh’s mother.

Arshabh and his acheivements

But believe it or not, this is not Arshabh’s first achievement! He has already won multiple accolades - the ‘Iconic Star National Level Talent Search Event’ and 'Inspiring Talent Awards’.

Speaking to his class teacher, Mrs. Sonia Paul, we found out that inspite of not being fluent in speaking, his enthusiasm deserves to be applauded. She added, “His parents and teachers also encourage him to participate in different competitions in school. It warms our hearts to see his growth! Arshabh’s achievements have proven that children who take time in developing their communication and social skills are equally capable of leading a fruitful life. All they need is some time and patience. Every day that he thrives, we are reminded that neuro-diversity must be accepted, promoted and celebrated in our society.”

Arshabh Behera aims to be a painter in future

Arshabh Behera aims to be a painter in future Source: Arshabh Behera

The value of patience and support

At a young age, people often make the mistake of developing a sense that time is limitless. As one gets older, they not only realise the significance of time but also run into the haphazard world of tight packed competition. Management skills and correct guidance allows one to think about the energy they spend their time on and thereafter witness immediate results.

On the subject of patience, Mrs. Behera goes on to say, “Children like Arshabh must be handled with care and patience. My husband and I are extremely patient when it comes to our son’s overall development. We know that he needs time and we believe that one day he will be able to speak normally and mix with society and make us and his school proud.”

While this is very important for any person, especially for children in their formative years, having a patient support system was that much more essential in the case of Arshabh. And even though this little star faced early rejection, it was probably all for the best since the trials led to him finding he perfect fit in terms of school and teachers and peers.

Arshabh Speak

We went on to ask Arshabh himself what really interests him. And here is his answer: “Apart from flags, I am interested in solving puzzles and mathematical problems. However, knowing more about different languages is also one of my crucial areas of interest; I [know the] Russian, Greek and Spanish alphabets, and currently [I am] learning Japanese alphabet too”.

Communication difficulties can affect a person's capacity to deal with the various aspects of life ranging from expressing one’s feelings or managing regular day to day chores. However, with sheer confidence and self belief one can not only conquer their fears but also move ahead and touch great heights of success in their life. “With this win, I believe I am only becoming more and more confident and hence now in my free time I am enjoying solving puzzles and playing word games too.”

When asked what or who inspires him, Arshabh says, “I draw my biggest inspiration from my mother. I believe I get all the positivity in the world from her, making me smile even in my difficult times. Also, observing my father each day helps me learn more about patience each day”.

There are many obstacles in one’s life, but with positivity and sheer self-belief it is not only possible to overcome them but also learn something from them every single day.

Last updated on 26 Oct 2022
08:55 AM
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