How to boost your memory: 5 top tips to make you exam-ready

Exam season is round the corner and it has become a common sight to see young kids hooked onto their books for a change and not glued to playing video games.
It is also not uncommon to see kids falling sick due to stress-induced fever or ‘exam fever’. This takes a toll on their exams and hence affects their grades. In fact, some children have the habit of leaving their studies for the last minute. However, this practice doesn’t work out well for everyone.
Being well prepared for exams comes with a lot of consistency and hard work. To make the most of this crucial period till your exams, we have curated a list of time-saving methods to ace your exams and boost your memory.
5 ways to speed up your learning process
Most of us are accustomed to typing either on our computers or opening up our notes app on our phones. The dependency on gadgets and devices has reduced our information-containing skills as well as our writing skills. Think about it - how many of us would write as easily and quickly as we would type?
However, studies have shown that while typing is easier, it is not an effective way of memorising things. According to research, writing your notes by hand will make you learn the information easily since it improves your concentration. Your mind also subconsciously starts to memorise them, as you write.
Sitting with your textbook or study material for long periods of time will not be effective if you don't take breaks at intervals. The expert advice is to take a break of 5-10 minutes after every hour of studying. Taking such breaks following a schedule will help you focus and will enhance your study experience.
Experiment! Experiment!Experiment!
When it comes to education and learning, experimenting and trying new things that suit you will always be effective for you in the long run. If one way of studying does not go well for you then you have to modify it and try something else.
According to research from Johns Hopkins, if you practice a slightly modified version of a task you want to master, "you learn more and faster than if you just keep practising the same thing multiple times in a row."
For example, if you are facing difficulties in studying a particular subject for a long period of time, instead of holding onto it, move on and switch to another subject. Pick up an easier topic and start working on it. Come back later to the previous subject and see how easily you can get a hold of it.
You can also experiment with the time of the day you feel more focused. For some students, the evening is the best time for them to concentrate, while others prefer the break of dawn.
Do what suits you.
Memorising your study material by speaking them out loud is a tried and tested method which is highly effective. If this reminds you of your mom scolding you to read aloud, then she is not wrong. Research has proven that speaking aloud helps one to remember things easily, as compared to reading them in your mind.
According to psychology professor Colin MacLeod and researchers from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, Speaking aloud works by creating a “production effect” which cements information in your memory. Meanwhile, hearing words said in your voice personalises the references and enhances recollection.
We often tend to burn out while studying at length, especially during exam time. Having a consistent sleep schedule improves your physical as well as mental health. Studies have shown that sleeping also helps to enhance your learning capacity and makes you more productive. After a good sleep, you will wake up with a fresh perspective and can give you a headstart in the learning process with renewed energy and motivation.
Exam preparations can get stressful and tedious, as it involves a lot of pressure from your teachers as well as your parents. However, there is no miracle available which can help you get good grades. The more effort you put in, the better reward you’ll get. That being said, do not forget to take time off and give yourself some rest. Try some movement, such as sports, as this will help in blood circulation and keep you pumped up. Good luck with your exams!