
SXC, Kolkata's eXabyte goes offline after 3 years

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 02 Mar 2023
16:09 PM

St. Xavier's College

The Postgraduate and Research Department of Computer Science of St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata is set to host the 7th edition of the Annual Technological Festival, eXabyte 2023 on 9 & 10 March 2023
From Micro Fiction to Clue Hunting, there are several events at the eXabyte which goes offline after an interval of 3 years

The Postgraduate and Research Department of Computer Science of St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata is set to host the 7th edition of the Annual Technological Festival, eXabyte 2023 on 9 & 10 March 2023.

eXabyte is one of the biggest technological festivals in the city and has grown up to be one of the best in the country, primarily because of the variety and quality of events it organizes.

Check out the list of events in eXabyte 2023:


1. Codeplay (Coding and Debugging)

2. Brainstorm (Quiz)

3. Byte Tales (Micro Fiction)

4. Verb-O-War (Debate)

5. Webbed (Webpage Designing)

6. Em-Bleed (Poster/Digital Artwork/GIF Designing)

7. X-Hunt (Clue Hunting)

8. Digibit (Hardware Circuit Designing)

9. Pitch-to-Rich (Startup Challenge)

10. Crypt-X (Breaking Cipher Codes)

11. Cube-X (Rubik's Cube Challenge)

Join the team eXabyte in this grand celebration of technology at St. Xavier's College, Kolkata.

Students who are interested in participating can register here: exabyte.sxccal.edu

For any queries, contact: exabyte@sxccal.edu

Last updated on 02 Mar 2023
16:09 PM
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