St. Xavier’s College

St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata is set to stage Suffragium-Sansad– a blend of intellectuality and innovation

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 16 Feb 2024
16:19 PM

St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

The Postgraduate and Research Department of Political Science is one of the most prestigious departments of the college with an ongoing legacy of goodwill, academic excellence, and an intellectually stimulating environment
The 16 to 17 February will witness Suffragium and Sansad 2024 - the twin flagship events of the department

Students learn, enact and preach democracy --- the next age of citizens and their voices of reason for our nation. This vision in mind, the Postgraduate and Research Department of Political Science, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Kolkata is all geared to revive and stage Suffragium-Sansad– a blend of intellectuality and innovation - in a grander and better way.

The Postgraduate and Research Department of Political Science is one of the most prestigious departments of the college with an ongoing legacy of goodwill, academic excellence, and an intellectually stimulating environment. The exclusive support and mentorship of its faculty, has always ensured that the students receive a holistic understanding of their course in a comprehensive and holistic fashion.The department has always bestowed special attention in ensuring and encouraging hands-on practical learning, allowing the students to not only read about but also experience, understand and apply concepts and sow, nurture and nourish their acquired skills.

The 16th to 17th February will witness, Suffragium and Sansad 2024 - the twin flagship events of the department. While Sansad prides itself on hosting exhilarating student deliberation via a Parliamentary and Press Committee, Suffragium - after an interlude of 3 years - is all set to host a multitude of competitive events ranging from Mock Election Campaigns, Policy Making, Investigative Journalism, Slam Poetry to UPSC Stress Interview. Thus providing students, with the opportunity to showcase their creative, oratory, analytical and deliberative skills.


Suffragium, serving as a creative outlet for the students, is a two-day cultural extravaganza encompassing a variety of intellectually stimulating yet captivating competitions. These challenges not only encourage students to articulate their imaginative thoughts but also liberate them from the constraints of singular subjects, fostering a holistic and multidimensional approach to learning.This event, replete with a myriad of activities, serves as a platform for aspiring journalists, quiz enthusiasts, poets, and storytellers, meticulously organized into a two day celebration of ‘PEOPLE, PEACE, POLITY’.

Sansad 2024, on the other hand, in its fifth edition, embodies two significant committees for participants to engage in–the Lok Sabha and Press. The event is designed in a way to allow participating delegates to successfully learn the art of diplomacy, negotiation and decision-making. Heated debates and galvanizing discussions will charge the atmosphere as the participants unleash the power of speech. Sansad, in its previous editions, has reached new heights, year after year. This time, the brimming enthusiasm among students will ensure that Sansad’24 is a grand success.

Sansad-Suffragium’24, will also witness the launch of Politique - the annual inter-departmental journal published by the Postgraduate and Research Department of Political Science It is a student-made, student-led academic endeavor, an exploration and experimentation in political discourses, to encourage a habit of proactive learning in political studies. Politique 2024 - promising original, insightful, and informed research articles, opinion editorials and caricatures with a multidisciplinary undertone - is a humble attempt to empower the students with the freedom of expression.

The enthusiasm exhibited by the students to showcase their acumen during this two-day extravaganza is precisely what the department anticipated. The anticipation is now at its peak as Sansad and Suffragium are poised to take the spotlight, accompanied by our interdepartmental journal, Politique, which stands ready to embellish the canvas of thoughts with vibrant colors. The Postgraduate and Research Department of Political Science extends its best wishes to all participants for the unparalleled experience of the upcoming two days. These two days will be all about students, all about democracy. These two days will not be just another event, it will be an experience!

Last updated on 16 Feb 2024
16:22 PM
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