Inductions 2024: Xavier's Commerce Society of St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata hosts an enthralling event for first year students

As we conducted Inductions 2024 for the students of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, the spirit of enthusiasm buzzed in the air from the 12 August to the 14 August 2024.
Inductions is an event conducted by Xavier’s Commerce Society, exclusively for the incoming freshmen of the new academic session, to provide them with exhilarating corporate exposure, and various crisis management scenarios as well as acquaint them with the thrilling experiences of their college life.
The Xavier’s Commerce Society is the representative body of the Department of Commerce, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. With its motto of ‘Dreams. Development. Destiny.’ It has always sought to inspire and motivate students to learn critical lessons before they step into the corporate world. The society undertakes to reach for distinction with every initiative it conducts, and seeks to enhance, augment, and advance its capacities with every passing day.
Its objective is to instill in its members a sense of accountability so they can grow into promising corporate leaders. One becomes a part of something large by donning the black t-shirt, which stands for a sense of commitment and purpose to defend the ideals and values of our society.
Every amazing journey starts with a challenge, which individuals who are constantly driven to improve their abilities and incorporate them into their daily lives with creativity are able to overcome with unmatched perseverance and resilience. College is a time when people develop new skills, explore their potential, and expand their networks. At XCS, we're looking for people who have a constant desire to improve.
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