BDM International school

B.D.M. International Students on the occasion of Poila Baisakh visit the Governor's House

Our Correspondent
Our Correspondent
Posted on 20 Apr 2023
17:39 PM

B.D.M. International

The children were then taken inside where the Governor himself addressed the delegation
The tour of the vast mansion etched a deep impression on the minds of the students, and they returned home with a certificate signed by the Governor

West Bengal Governor, Dr. CV Ananda Bose opened the doors of the palatial 220-year-old Raj Bhavan to the common people giving them a chance to visit the heritage building which was once the seat of British colonial power

It was on the auspicious occasion of Poila Baishakh, dated 15 April 2023, that students from various schools across Kolkata got the prized opportunity to visit the imperial building. B.D.M. International was one of them. The students were asked to report at the Governor’s House at 9:30 am. The children were then taken inside where the Governor himself addressed the delegation. The children were cordially invited into touring the heritage building.

The children were taken on a tour of the regal edifice. They were given an insight into the background facts to the building and its bequest of over two centuries. They had only read about it in their books, but watching the construction from up close, left them surprised. Their curious questions were answered by their guide, and they returned with a head full of knowledge.


The tour of the vast mansion etched a deep impression on the minds of the students, and they returned home with a certificate signed by the Governor – a treasure to own.

Last updated on 20 Apr 2023
17:39 PM
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