XGMT 2023 admit card will be released on 23 January. Candidates who have completed the exam registration on or before 10 January will be issued the admit card. The official website, xim.edu.in, will host the link to download the XGMT admit card for the exam on 29 January.
The exam is scheduled to be conducted across six cities in India. Candidates were allowed to choose the preferred exam city while filling out the XGMT application form. The complete address for the X-GMT exam centre will be mentioned on the admit card.
Candidates must carry a hard copy of the XGMT 2023 admit card on the exam day. Failing to carry the hall ticket will lead to denial of entry to the exam hall. Along with the admit card, candidates must produce valid photo ID proof.
XGMT 2023 Admit Card: How to Download
The space below mentions the process to download the XGMT hall ticket from the official website:
Candidates who were unable to submit the X-GMT 2023 application form before January 10 will not be issued the hall ticket. However, in case XIM University extends the registration for MBA admission based on other national-level MBA entrance exams, they might get a chance of XIM University MBA admission.