The mop-up round fee payment and choice filling process for the West Bengal ANM-R(Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery-Revised) and GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) 2024 counselling will close today, November 29. This round is the final step for candidates seeking admission to the remaining nursing seats in various state colleges.
The mop-up round is the last opportunity for candidates who were not allotted seats in previous rounds or missed earlier chances to secure a seat in their preferred nursing programmes. This round helps fill vacant seats left after the completion of the initial counselling phases.
Key Steps for Choice Filling & Locking
Students will be able to check the seat vacancy list for the given round from the official website by entering certain criterias like round number, institute/institute type, programme, gender, and quota. After going through the list they can select multiple options and are advised to prioritise them based on their preferences and eligibility. Choices once locked cannot be changed.
Post completion of the choice filling and locking of preferred institutes, the mop up round seat allotment result will be declared on December 2, 2024, as per the revised official timeline. Those allotted seats must complete the admission formalities within the stipulated time to secure their admission.
Check seat vacancy list here.