The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) has announced a revised schedule for the WBJEE BPharm Counselling Round 1 and 2. This change comes after the counselling process was extended due to the inclusion of new institutes offering BPharm courses for the 2024 academic session by the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal.
Candidates who have qualified for WBJEE/JEE(Main) 2024 and are aspiring to pursue a Bachelor’s in Pharmacy now have additional opportunities, as more institutes have joined the counselling process. The inclusion of these institutions has led to a revised seat matrix, which has caused the extension of the original counselling timeline.
Revised WBJEE BPharm Counselling Schedule
As per the updated schedule, the registration process, choice filling, and locking of choices have been extended, allowing candidates more time to explore their options. The newly added institutes are expected to provide further opportunities for students, enhancing the scope of available seats. Additionally, those who have already locked their choices before the revision can unlock and modify them based on the updated list of participating institutes.
Find the direct counselling registration link here.