The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) board has released the schedule for registration and exams for admissions in undergraduate courses for Engineering, Pharmacy and Architecture in the academic year 2022-2023.
The registration process for the exam will begin on December 24, a notification from the WBJEE board stated. The registration payment window will close at 6 pm on January 10, the last day for registration. The payment for application can be made via debit card, credit card and net banking only.
The examination for Paper- I (Mathematics) and Paper-II (Physics and Chemistry) will be held on April 23. Paper-I will be conducted from 11am to 1pm, while Paper-II will be held from 2pm to 4pm.
The board will be providing the admit cards on the official website on April 18, 2022. The admit card can be downloaded between April 18 and April 23.
WBJEE board has not yet announced the date for the declaration of results. However, there are speculations that the results might get declared by the last week of May 2022. The board has said that all dates are tentative and might be changed in case of unavoidable circumstances.
Earlier, the registration for WBJEE was scheduled to begin from December 21 and end on January 7.
The WBJEE examination is held for admissions in undergraduate courses in Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in the universities, government colleges and self-financed Engineering and Technological institutions in West Bengal.
The candidates will have to provide their valid email address and phone number as all notifications will be sent to the candidate on the given contact details. The board has said that it will not take any responsibility if candidates do not receive notifications owing to submission of invalid contact details. The corrections in the application can be made from January 11 to 13 through the correction window on the website.
The examination will be held through Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets in offline mode in different examination centres across West Bengal.
Candidates can apply and get detailed information on eligibility criteria and documents required for application through the official website of WBJEE—