In a significant move, the West Bengal Education Department has finally launched its long-awaited centralized undergraduate admission process today, June 19. The announcement was made by the state's Education Minister, Bratya Basu, during a press conference. After multiple setbacks, students across the state can now apply for undergraduate courses through a unified portal starting this academic year.
Minister Bratya Basu announced this major development and emphasized that the new portal will address the problem of vacant seats in various colleges due to opaque admission processes in the past. Students will have the flexibility to upgrade their courses and even transfer fees between colleges if they get admitted to their preferred institution later.
The new system allows students to apply to a maximum of 25 courses simultaneously, choosing from 7,217 different courses across 16 universities and 461 government and government-aided colleges, offering the flexibility of choice.
However, Presidency University, Jadavpur University, Rabindra Bharati University, minority colleges, and certain autonomous institutions are not included in this centralized system.
The Higher Education Council of the state will manage the centralized portal, ensuring all participating colleges adhere to the new system. Despite the centralization, individual colleges are still responsible for filling any vacant seats.
Key Features of the New Admission Portal
Application Schedule
This landmark initiative, launched after a decade of planning and development, marks a significant step towards modernizing and streamlining the higher education admission process in West Bengal.
Find the direct admission portal link here.