The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TSPSC) invited applications for Combined Technical Services Examination. Eligible candidates who wish to apply for the examination can find the link through the official website of TNPSC-
This recruitment drive will fill up a total of 654 posts in the organisation. The registration process will end on 24 August 2024. The application correction window will open on 28 August and will close on 30 August 2024. To be eligible, candidates who want to apply for the posts should have completed the age of 21 years for all the posts, except for the post of Foreman Marine (Post Code: 1762).
For the post of Foreman Marine, candidates should have completed 18 years.
It must be noted that as per the official notice, candidates need to mention if they are currently employed under the Indian Union, State governments, Local Bodies, Universities, Quasi-Government Organisations, or Public Sector Units. Failure to upload or produce the ‘No Objection Certificate’ shall result in the rejection of candidature after due process.
TSPSC Recruitment 2024: Steps to apply
For more details and information on educational qualification, candidates are required to visit the official website and check the notice.