The Directorate of Technical Education (DoTE), Tamil Nadu has declared the Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA 2023) round 2 provisional allotment result 2023 today, 12 August. Applicants who registered for the second round of counselling will be able to check their TNEA round 2 tentative allotment 2023 directly from the official website:
It must further be noted that Applicants who have been allotted seats will have to login and confirm their seats by 5 pm tomorrow, 13 August. Applicants will have to report to their allotted colleges within 5 days.
“Tentative allotment has been released for second round candidates, request you to login and confirm the allotment on or before 13-08-2023, 5PM, if you fail to confirm your allotment it will stand as cancelled,” stated the official website.
TNEA round 2 tentative allotment 2023: How to check?