The Directorate of Government Exams, Tamil Nadu recently announced the date and time for the declaration of plus one and SSLC (Class 10) results 2023. The SSLC results will now be declared on 19 May at 10 am whereas the plus one results will be out at 2 pm on the same day. Applicants who appeared for the exams will then be able to check their results directly at the official websites: or
This year plus one examination was held between 14 March and 5 April. Whereas the SSLC exams were held between 6 to 20 April.
It must further be noted that last year, plus one result was out on 27 June and the overall pass percentage stood at 90.07 percent. The pass percentage for boys and girls was 84.86 percent and 94.99 percent respectively.
Steps to check Tamil Nadu 10th Result 2023 Online: