The Telangana Directorate of Government Examinations released the Class 10, or SSC, exam hall tickets. The Telangana SSC Class 10 exams will be held between 3 and 13 April. To access the TS SSC hall tickets, candidates will need to login with their SSC number and date of birth on the official website --
The Telangana board SSC admit card will have reporting time for the Class 10 exams and other exam day guidelines. Students must carry the admit card to the exam hall for verification purposes.
TS SSC Time Table 2023
3 April, 2023- First Language paper (Group - A), First Language paper 1 (Composite Course), First Language paper 2 (Composite Course)
4 April, 2023- Second Language
6 April, 2023- Third Language (English)
8 April, 2023- Mathematics
10 April, 2023- Physical Science, Biological Science
11 April, 2023- Social Science
12 April, 2023- OSSC Main Language Paper- I (Sanskrit and Arabic), SSC Vocational Course (Theory)
13 April, 2023- OSSC Main Language Paper- II (Sanskrit and Arabic)
TS SSC Hall Ticket- Steps to download