Teach For India’s online teacher training portal, Firki, will be launching a child safety module to generate awareness against child sexual abuse, in collaboration with HAQ: Centre for Child Rights and NGO Arpan.
The launch on November 20 (4 pm) will include a panel discussion on ‘Keeping Children Safe’, with diverse voices from several stakeholders including students, teachers, parents and a government official.
The event will be moderated in partnership with Slam Out Loud, a non-profit using art forms to help disadvantaged children find their voice.
The child safety module consists of a series of courses and aims to equip educators with the knowledge, skills and mindset required to respond to cases of sexual abuse in the classroom and community.
The panel discussion seeks to highlight the learnings the stakeholders have had from their experience of handling child sexual abuse cases in their classroom and/or community.
“A child victim is not a statistical number -- we are talking of a life that is going to be there for many many years,” reads a verdict by former Supreme Court judge Justice Madan B Lokur, wil will be delivering the keynote address.
Lokur is currently a judge at the Supreme Court of Fiji and is known for his far-reaching verdicts on human rights, particularly the rights of children, women and victims of state and extrajudicial violence.
The child safety module is a free and certified learning opportunity for educators.
How to access the child safety module:
For an existing user:
For a new user:
Manjeer Mukherjee, senior director - programmes at Arpan, said, “We, at Arpan, believe that every child matters and a multi-faceted issue like child sexual abuse needs to be addressed from a preventive lens. Protection of children is an integral part of their overall development. In this context, we are happy to partner with Firki and develop courses on handling disclosure of child sexual abuse and prevention toolkit and reach out to educators all over India. Through these courses, educators will be empowered to play their part in child protection.”
Speaking about the importance of educators and guardians being aware of child safety practices, HAQ: Centre for Child Rights co-director Shailabh said “When it comes to child safety, the role of every stakeholder becomes important to safeguard the rights of children. Teachers can play a pivotal role in responding to and ensuring the safety of children within and outside school premises. These modules are just one step towards building the required knowledge base for teachers to respond to the issue of child sexual abuse with the utmost sensitivity. The HAQ and FIRKI collaboration for creating these modules are nothing but a starting point where knowledge and technology can really make a difference.”
Register for the launch by clicking here.