The Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) scorecard for 2023 has been postponed by Anna University to 22 April 2023. The scorecard was initially slated to be made public today. Candidates will be able to view the TANCET scorecard 2023 from the official website,, after it is released.
Because the university has received numerous requests to alter details, the TANCET 2023 scorecard will now be released after a delay. "It is noted that many students come forward to request minor modifications (name initials, name spelling, DOB, gender, community, nativity). Therefore, the students are advised to take advantage of this last chance to edit or alter their profile information by sending the necessary documentation to, according to TANCET's official website.
The TANCET scorecard for 2023 will include the candidate's name, registration number, date of birth, gender, community, nativity, nationality, programme, and overall percentile score. If there is a mistake on the TANCET scorecard 2023, candidates are required to alert the authorities right away.
TANCET 2023: Steps to download the scorecard