The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will close the window to accept objections against the Stenographer Grade C and D provisional answer key 2023 today. Candidates can raise grievances against SSC Stenographer Grade C and D on the official website-
The commission said candidates can raise objections against the SSC Stenographer Grade C and D provisional answer key till 6 PM today i.e. on 18 October. The SSC has also uploaded the response sheet of Stenographer Grade C and D provisional answer key.
The SSC stenographer answer key will have to deposit Rs 100 per question to raise grievances against the SSC Stenographer Grade C and D exam. The SSC Stenographer Grade C and D exam had 200 questions. The candidates will be awarded one mark each for correct answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong response.
The Commission informed that candidates will have to submit option-cum-preference before the declaration of final result. A notice in this regard will be uploaded on shortly, it said. “Candidates who fail to exercise their option-cum-preference during the aforesaid period, shall not be given any further opportunity for submission of their option-cum-preference and such candidates will not be considered for inclusion in the final merit list/final selection,” it further added.
SSC Stenographer Answer Key 2023: Steps to check