The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the SSC GD Constable marks 2023 today i.e. 8 May 2023. The marks of score card of the Constable (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles and Sepoy in Narcotics Control Bureau Examination, 2022 have been released as a login link on its official website-
The SSC GD scorecard 2023 has been put up for all those candidates who gave the exam- qualified and non-qualified. The SSC GD marks 2023 link will be available till 23 May 2023. Initially, the SSC GD marks were scheduled to be released on 27 April 2023. However, the release of the marks was postponed by the Commission due to the ongoing other exam events.
The SSC GD 2022 exam was conducted from 10 January to 14 February, 2023. The SSC GD result was declared on 8 April, 2023. The SSC GD cut-off 2023 was also released along with the results. The final SSC GD answer key 2023 was released on 17 April 2023.
SSC GD Marks 2023: Direct link
SSC GD Marks 2023: Steps to check