The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) extended the deadline to submit option-cum-preferences for Combined Graduate Level (CGL) 2023 exam till 23 November. The commission also informed that the post preferences submitted by candidates till today may not have been saved and asked to submit again. Candidates can submit their options for SSC CGL 2023 by visiting the official website-
The SSC official notice reads, “It is informed that due to a technical issue, options exercised by few candidates upto 20.11.2023 (12:00 PM) may have some error. Therefore, such candidates are advised to check the preferences filled by them and revise the same, if required.”
It further added “The candidates who fail to exercise their Option-cum-Preference during the aforesaid period, shall not be given any further opportunity for submission of their Option-cum-Preference and such candidates will not be considered for inclusion in the final merit list / final selection.”
The commission had earlier asked candidates to submit their preferences for posts or departments through login between 18 and 21 November.
SSC CGL 2023: Steps to submit post preference option