The Punjab Police has issued the Constable Admit Card 2023 today, 4 August. Candidates who registered for the recruitment examination can now visit the official website at
In order to access their admit cards, candidates can use their Application number, Registration number, Login Id, and password on the official portal of Punjab Police. Once logged in, they will find all the necessary exam-related information such as the exam date, location, timings, and other relevant details.
The exam is scheduled to be held in two phases, with the first phase scheduled from 5th August to 14th September 2023, and the second phase from 15th September to 25th September 2023. The admit cards will be available for download 4 days before the exam date for candidates appearing in August and 7 days before for those appearing in September.
The recruitment process for constable posts aims to fill a total of 1746 vacancies through the Punjab Police Constable Recruitment 2023.
Punjab Police Constable Admit Card 2023: Steps to download
The selection process includes a Computer Based Test, followed by a Physical Measurement Test (PMT) and Physical Screening Test (PST), and finally, Document Verification. Candidates are advised to prepare thoroughly for each stage to maximize their chances of success.
Candidates must note it is mandatory to carry their admit cards to the examination centre on the scheduled date.