Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has recently released the admit cards for the class 9 lateral entry selection test (LEST) for the year 2024, specifically catering to candidates from West Bengal and Nainital district in Uttarakhand. After a delay, the exams are now set to take place on March 17.
To access their hall tickets, students must enter their registration number, date of birth and security pin in the NVS LEST Class 9 admit card download link.
Find the direct link for downloading the admit card here.
Moreover, the NVS has introduced modifications to the tie-breaking criteria in case of similar scores in the lateral entry selection test.
The criteria are as follows:
Administrative reasons led to the postponement of the exams in West Bengal and Nainital district. However, for other districts, the lateral entry exam for class 9 for the academic year 2024-25 took place on February 10.