The Department of Public Health and Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh is expected to issue the merit list of candidates who have registered for the state quota NEET UG counselling. Candidates will be able to check the MP NEET UG merit list by visiting the official website-
As per the counselling schedule, online registrations for MP NEET UG counselling took place from 12 to 20 August. MP domicile registered candidates need to fill and lock their choices from 22 to 26 August (up to 11:59 pm). Seat allotment results for the first round will be announced on 29 August.
Selected candidates must report at the allotted medical and dental colleges in person for document verification and admission between 31 August and 4 September (6 pm). They can submit requests for resignation or cancellation of admission at the allotted colleges between 31 August and 7 September (up to 7 pm on the last date).
MP NEET UG State Merit List 2024: Steps to download