The eyes of 22-year-old Aman Kumar were beaming with anticipation and excitement as he checked his scorecard for the ICAI CA Final Examination on the computer screen before him. It was an extremely proud moment for Aman and his father Raj Kishore Rajak, a Kolkata-based 'washerman' from one of the remotest villages in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar - Chakiya, who had toiled day in and out to see his son as a successful Chartered Accountant.
In their village, where even managing a full meal two times a day often seems difficult, education has always been considered a luxury, Aman battled all odds with unwavering support from his parents and teachers and cracked the CA final examination with a brilliant score of 53.5 percent.
Speaking about his days of struggle to The Telegraph Online Edugraph, Aman said, "I was often told by my relatives and family members to quit studies and take up some odd job. However, it was my parents who always encouraged me to study harder. They used to tell me that it was the only way I could take my family and upcoming generations out of our present condition."
"In Class 10 board examinations, I achieved a perfect score in mathematics, becoming first person in the history of the Bihar board to achieve this feat. This encouraged me to take up CA in future," he added.
During his preparation, Aman took up an articleship with a top global firm in Kolkata and used the stipend to fund his studies. He has credited his parents, especially his father for his success.
"My father worked very hard to fund my education. He saved money from his little earning and bought books for the CA examination. It was only during my articleship that our financial condition bettered. He is my biggest motivation, the main driving force behind my success," he said.
Raj Kishore Rajak was elated at his son's achievement and showered him with praises.
"He has been a brilliant student since his childhood, a topper since childhood. We are really happy. All our hard work over years has finally bore fruit," said a teary eyed Raj Kishore.
Aman wishes to take up a job in the corporate world and turn his family's fortunes. He also wishes to start preparing for the UPSC Civil Services along with his job.
"Before coming to Kolkata, neither I, nor my parents knew about UPSC Civil Services. We only knew about CA as some of the customers my father served were from the profession. Now apart from working in the corporate sector, I want to start preparing for the UPSC Civil Services exam," said Aman.