The state Common Entrance Test cell, Maharashtra issued the final merit list for the first round of MAH LLB 5-year Common Admission Process (CAP) 2024. Candidates who have registered for the counselling can check the category-wise merit lists on the official website-
The CET cell has released the merit list for candidates belonging to the Maharashtra State (MS), Outside Maharashtra State (OMS), ex-servicemen, and Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) categories. A list of applicants who have not been considered in the final merit list has been made available along with the reasons for rejections.
As per the counselling schedule, the college option form-filling facility for first and second round will begin from 22 July and round 1 seat allotment result will be declared on 29 July.
MAH LLB 5-year Counselling Merit List 2024: Steps to check
For more updates and information, candidates are advised to visit the official website.