The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell announced the round 2 allotment status against the centralised admission process (CAP) for the LLb five-year integrated programme. The official websites- and are hosting the MAH CET round 2 allotment status.
Candidates who have been allotted a seat can download the provisional allotment letter by login in their credentials. Candidates will be able to report to the allotted colleges and take admission from 19 to 22 July. The colleges will upload the status of admitted candidates on the official portal from 19 to 24 July.
MAH LLB 2023 Counselling: Steps to register
Round three of MAH CET counselling will also be conducted based on vacant seats and will be displayed online from 25 July. The CET Cell also released the MH CET 5-Year LLB final merit list for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) candidates on 18 July 2023.