The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB), has decided to extend the registration deadline for the Joint Entrance Test for administrating admission to the ANM(R) and GNM courses. Previously the last date was announced to be April 21, which is now postponed to April 24. Candidates who have not yet submitted their application form can do so through the official website -
“In consideration of repeated requests from a good number of aspiring candidates, the date of registration for ANM & GNM-2024 is hereby extended upto 24.04.2024 (Wednesday),” the official notification stated.
Important Dates
Students aspiring to gain admission to the 2-year Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery Revised (ANM-R) course and 3-year General Nursing & Midwifery course for the academic year 2024-2025, need to appear for this examination.