The Kerala Pareekshabhawan issued the Kerala National Means-cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) exam 2023 answer key. Candidates who have appeared in the Kerala NMMS will be able to view and download the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) provisional answer key on the official website-
To raise challenges against the provisional answer key, students will have to submit the objection application along with the supporting documents by 20 December before 5 pm. The complaints will have to be submitted in person or by post to the ‘Secretary, Parikhesh Bhavan, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram-12’.
“The format sheet for sending complaints can contain only one subject complaint. Separate format sheets should be used for different subjects,” the official notification said.
Kerala NMMS Answer Key: Steps to download
The scholarship amount of Rs 12,000 per annum will be provided to eligible students to continue their secondary education in government or aided schools under Government of Kerala other than special or residential schools.