The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) declared the mock seat allotment result for Round 1 Karnataka NEET PG counselling 2023. Candidates who took part in state National Eligibility Entrance Test for Postgraduate (NEET PG) counselling for admission to MD, MS, MDS programmes in medical, dental colleges can check their mock seat allotment status on the official website-
KEA will announce the dates for exercising web options, reporting, fee payment, and document verification later. As per the schedule, candidates can make changes in the options such as adding, deleting, modifying, reordering, and altering till tomorrow i.e. 30 August, 11 am.
KEA NEET PG Round 1 seat allotment 2023: Steps to check
The authority has also issued college-wise fees for government, private, and Non-Residential Indian (NRI) quota in various postgraduate programmes offered by state medical and dental colleges on the official website.
For more updates, candidates are advised to visit the official website.