In a significant announcement for aspiring candidates, the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has extended the registration deadline for the Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) 2024. Candidates now have until August 28, 2024, to complete their application process.
The exam date remains unchanged, and will be conducted on November 24, 2024, as previously scheduled.
Steps to Apply for KSET 2024
Step 1: Visit the official KEA website ( and navigate to the KSET section.
Step 2: Click on the ‘KSET 2024 online application link’.
Step 3: Fill out the application form with accurate personal, educational, and other required details.
Step 4: Scan and upload necessary documents like photographs, and signatures.
Step 5: Submit the application fee online using the available payment methods.
Step 6: Review your application carefully and submit it before the deadline.
Examination Fees
KSET is a state-level examination conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates for post of assistant professor in universities/colleges/institutions of higher education(government / aided / private) within Karnataka.