The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released a short notification for KCET 2023 CBSE/CISCE candidates at As per the official notification, details filled by CBSE/CISCE candidates are being shown in the general tab menu and there is no provision to alter the same. The applicants are advised to complete the KCET registration 2023 from the official website.
The authorities also informed that KCET 2023 application form correction facility will be hosted after the conclusion of registration process. Applicants who made any mistake at the time of filling KCET application 2023 will be given a chance to correct their credentials.
The authorities commenced the KCET 2023 registration on 2 March at the official website. Applicants looking for admissions offered by exam authorities can fill the KCET 2023 application form at The application process of KCET 2023 comprises registration, filling form, uploading documents and payment of fees.
KCET Application form 2023: Steps to fill
As per the schedule, the last date to fill the KCET form 2023 is 7 April. KCET exam date 2023 is 20 and 21 May while Kannada language test will be conducted on 22 May. KEA will conduct the KCET exam 2023 in offline pen & paper mode.