The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) will release the counselling dates tomorrow, i.e. 6 July on its official website- JoSAA 2023 Round 2 seat allotment will begin on 6 July while round 3 will begin from 12 July, 5 pm.
The authority commenced the counselling and choice-filling process from 19 June, 10 am. Candidates can check the schedule and other details for JoSAA counselling at the official website-
JoSAA Counselling 2023 Round 2 List: Steps to check
Candidates must note that those seeking admission to Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information and Technology (IIITs) and other government funded technical institutes (GFTIs) have to clear JoSAA 2023 counselling process.