Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, NVS has released the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test, JNVST Result 2023 for Navodaya Vidyalaya Class 9th admission. Applicants who appeared for the exam can now check the JNVST 2023 result link directly on the official website: It must further be noted that applicants who appeared for the JNVST admission test can cross check and download their NVS admission result using their credentials such as the Username and password.
Steps to download JNVST Result 2023:
"Provisional Select list in respect of Raichur (KARNATAKA), Bangalore Rural (KARNATAKA), Kurnool (ANDHRA PRADESH), Adilabad (TELANGANA) and Ranga Reddy (TELANGANA) is withheld and will be released shortly," stated an official notification on the NVS website.