The Joint Entrance Examination Council of Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP) has officially released the sixth round schedule of the Uttar Pradesh Joint Entrance Examination (UPJEE) Polytechnic 2024 counselling process. Candidates who have qualified for the entrance test and are eligible for the said round will be able to start filling out choices through the official admissions website from September 5 to September 7, 2024.
UPJEE is a state-level entrance exam conducted for students wishing to pursue polytechnic programmes at educational institutions across the state.
Special Counselling (Round 6) Schedule
All the candidates who will be allotted seats in this special round need to make the payment of the seat acceptance fee within the stipulated deadline mentioned and submit original documents for verification at the district help centres. If they are unsatisfied with their allotment they can withdraw their seats according to the timeline mentioned in the schedule.