The Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata has released the official notification about recruiting candidates for various project-based positions. A walk-in interview is scheduled on 16 December 2022 at Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU), 3rd Floor of the Platinum Jubilee Building of ISI, Kolkata.
A total of 3 positions are made available for candidates to apply for on a temporary basis for the following projects:
Check Out The Eligibility Criteria for ISI, Kolkata Project-based Recruitment here
Tenure: The tenure of the job will be till 31 March 2022 which may be extended/terminated based on the institute’s fund and the candidate’s performance.
Salary: The salary for the position ranges between INR 28,000 to INR 36,000 per month depending on the candidate's qualifications and experience.
Age: Candidates should not exceed 35 years as on 1 Dec 2022. Age relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/EWS and differently-abled candidates
For the walk-in interview candidates are required to carry certain documents which are as follow:
For candidates living outside of Kolkata and willing to appear for the interview online are required to send an email to along with their contact number. The institute will connect with candidates for further procedures.