The Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH) recently declared the HTET result 2022 today i.e. 19 December, 2022 on its official website - Candidates can check the HTET 2022 result in online mode. The result of HTET 2022 has been announced for papers 1, 2 and 3.
In level 1 (PRT), a total of 15.83 per cent candidates, in the second level (TGT) 16.46 per cent candidates and 9.85 per cent candidates in level 3 (PGT) passed the exam. The exam was conducted on 3 and 4 December.
Steps to check HTET Result 2022:
VP Yadav, Chairperson of the board said that a total of 2,61,389 candidates appeared for the exam, out of which, 1,88,083 candidates were females, 73,301 were male candidates and five were transgender candidates. Candidates will be able to download their response sheets from the website on 21 December. The final answer key has been uploaded on the website.
BSEH will issue the HTET 2022 eligibility certificate to the qualified candidate.