The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) has announed the result of students who had applied for revaluation and rechecking of Class 10 and 12 (state open school) examination held in 2023 on the official website,
The HPBOSE had conducted the Class 10 and 12 (state open school) examination in March, 2023. As many as 5,006 students appeared for the Class 10 state open school examination 2023, of which 1,465 cleared the exam and 25 had failed.
The pass percentage was 29.3% in Class 10 state open school examination 2023. In Class 12 state open school examination 2023, 39% students had passed. The board said 10,319 students appeared for the exams, of which 4,020 passed while 3,236 were eligible for compartment examination. A total of 46 students had failed.
HPBOSE Class 10, 12 revaluation result: How to check